About the Author:

This is a story of a 14th generation American whose Dutch ancestors settled in New York in 1619, claiming North America, and intermarried with Mohawks. An elite dysfunctional upbringing results in the Author leaving home at age 13 never to return. Having to earn scholarships, he works his way through prep school, college with 2 degrees summa cum laude, a full scholarship to Yale Law School, and a MBA.

He then sets out in an Odyssey covering many strange but interesting venues: working at Woodstock, meeting Jimi Hendrix, learning from the 3 Wisemen at Yale Law School, subsequent adventures on Wall Street trading commodity Futures, partying in New York City, the Hamptons, and Newport, RI Society, in Hollywood distributing films, in the Wild West of  Post-Soviet Moscow, with Putin and the Oligarchs, sailing the seven seas, traveling the world, settling down in Palm Beach and South Miami Beach, Florida, meddling in Florida in the elections of George Bush, the younger, and Donald Trump, and finally suffering through fascist pandemics and lock downs. 

Gossip and scandals are abundant from Anna Nicole Smith, Ted Kennedy, Claus von Bulow, William Kennedy Smith, Doris Duke, Ivana Trump and Marla Maples, OJ Simpson, the great Hollywood rip-off of “Platoon”, the YouTube rip-off of Kim Kardashian, Jeff Epstein, Robert Kraft and countless more, for the Author was there and will weave these tales for your amusement.

But the real purpose is to share the Author’s incredible journey, seeking and grasping for Knowledge and Truth, which he attempts to share with the reader. Set up to be an invisible legal case, like a Supreme Court Brief: the Author is telling the facts, the evidence as he lived or learned them, and then arguing his point of view, attacking many “sacred cows”. The reader is thus charged with being the Judge and Jury alike, and at the end of the Book, the reader is challenged to Judge whether Author is the “White Poster Prince” as claimed, or a fool, or something in between. 

            The accompanying website/Glossary at www.whiteposterprince.com contains over 1,000 hyperlinks to Wikipedia to fact check, corroborate and verify names, terms, and theories of the Author as, with harsh verifiable accusations, questions our current cultural beliefs, questioning the future mankind in general, as Social Conditioning, the Green New Deal, “Behavioral Sink” and Alinsky Socialism lurk in our not too distant future.

The Book is unique in that is has a soundtrack built in, so you can actually see Jimi Hendrix play “the Star Spangled Banner” at Woodstock beside the Author and listen to Author’s selected tunes as referenced to in the Book. The Soundtrack is in the Glossary and at the very end of the Book, in YouTube. Press “Skip Ads”. Enjoy!

(The Author has degrees in behavioural psychology, political science, Law (JD), Business Administration(MBA), Financial Technology (Fintech) and has studied Theorectical Physics, yet he had led a colorful life with numerous escapades and adventures amongst the scandalous Rich and Famous around the Globe).

So follow this Odyssey through the life of this semi-privileged prince, who shares it with you. Learn from him, his adventures, and hard lessons learned. Follow the Tales of Brave Ulysses as he searches the World for his true self, and for Knowledge and Truth.