PART XXXI: The “Scientists” Stupidly Fumble the Ball as the Hygienic Fascists and Big Pharma Cheer. Jeff Epstein’s Morgue Does More Business.

PART XXXI: The “Scientists” Stupidly Fumble the Ball as the Hygienic Fascists and Big Pharma Cheer. Jeff Epstein’s Morgue Does More Business.

Chapter 31.1: The Plague is upon us. Not Covid-19, but “Hygienic Fascism”. Alinksy’s Dark Shadow deepens.
The world has not been kind to Mankind after Epstein’s “alleged” suicide. His buddy Ghislaine was put in “cuffs” the very next year, more than 30 years after her wealthy father, Robert Maxwell, had allegedly committed suicide when he “fell” off of the stern of his mega yacht Lady Ghislaine. Ironically, his funeral was attended by six former top brass of Mossad, the shadowy Israeli secret service agency that has been known to “freelance”, and would be the prime suspects if in fact Epstein was assassinated by his powerful former friends. And that Maxwell family obviously had the “connections”. Wow!

But the “tragic” world of the Rich and Famous, like Epstein and Ghislaine, would soon be put upside down: no more Polo, black tie benefits, gala parties, jetsetting or photo ops. But also the entire world would be likewise flipped upside down for the ordinary common citizen.

Families, kids, worship, socialization, dating, mating, and education would be hastily shoved into existential “cuffs” much like the real ones worn by Ghislaine. Businesses would be shut down, parents and kids arrested for playing in the park or walking on the beach. Social distancing and wearing surgical masks would become mandatory in a symbolic move to muzzle freedom of speech, as well as freedom of assembly and debate. All in the name of a nebulous, constantly shifting “Science”, a word descending from the Latin word “scientia” meaning “knowledge, a knowing; expertness”. But Science, since people must do it, is a socially embedded activity. It progresses by hunch, vision, intuition, and constantly shifting “empirical evidence”. Much of scientific change through time does not necessarily record a closer approach to absolute truth, but rather the alteration of cultural contexts that influence it so strongly.
Remember my earlier illumination that the entire world for a thousand years misbelieved Ptolemy that the Sun circled the Earth, until Copernicus came along. That is science.
Chapter 31.2: Neo-Carpetbaggers jump onboard the Hygienic Fascist Gravy Train.
Nevertheless, a great opportunity had arisen for disease scientists and the puppet paycheck slaves of Big Pharma to grab center stage. Soon they were joined by political power mongers to evolve our society into “Hygienic Fascism” which imposes impossible conditions on society and the economy without popular consent, by means of Executive Orders without legislative recourse, all in the name of “Science.”

And while the executives at Big Pharma were licking their chops at the $$billions soon to be had, the Digital Oligarchs, the behemoths of privacy data gathering, foresaw in their quest for a Cyberocracy a great opportunity in this disaster, along with their ally, the fake media and its always hysterical gloomy news. For disasters sow “fear” and bad news draws viewers, especially locked up viewers confined to house arrest, and thus can generate more advertising revenues, while good news does nothing for them. Dog bites a Man is not news, but Man bites a Dog is news, Randolph Hearst once said. Fake media would do one better with “Covid bites Man, or, should it be “Pandemic threatens to destroy Mankind”? It presented the media a great chance to boost their Neilson ratings and cash in on Human Misery.

The pandemic thus also offered the Digital Oligarchs an unprecedented opportunity to monitor citizens to an extent never possible before, as “contact tracing” allowed them to circumvent HIPPA, our medical records privacy law, and collect citizens’ medical records. All in the name of “Science”. Likewise, Amazon could expand its chokehold on bricks and mortar businesses using shipping subsidized by the US Postal Service, on taxpayers’ dollars, to a nation of consumers under house arrest. And of course there was the U.S. Treasury to be further plundered into bankruptcy by politicians in order to buy votes, all in the name of “Science” and “Hygienic Fascism”.

George Orwell’s “1984” had finally arrived, albeit late. As the famous author of “Brave New World”, Aldous Huxley once said, “a thoroughly scientific dictatorship will never be overthrown”. Thus, this was a First Class ticket to corporate tyranny and behavioral conditioning, authoritarianism and totalitarianism, eradicating the last vestiges of individualism, all leading historically to imprisonments, mass graves and extra-judicial killings of those who do not comply with the “party line”.

In sum, the pendulum had further swung from the United States’ Constitutional Free Democratic Republic to an Oligarchy of Hygienic Fascism, Big Data, and media propagandists, on its pathway to complete Totalitarianism. Alinsky’s dream of total socialist control of this Brave New World by a mere few was apparently becoming a reality before our very eyes. The evil Sith Lord, Darth Sorius, as death and the Grim Reaper neared him, and his time clock on Earth was running out, gleefully rubbed his hands together, hoping he might actually live long enough to see his dark evil works fulfilled. And he had no worries, for he had the best Table in Hell already reserved, next to Stalin and Hitler.
Chapter 31.3: The “Pandemic” and the Law of the Jungle: The FINAL LESSON.
The culprit was a puny little viral creature, a coronavirus identified as SARS-CoV-2, or “Covid-19”, allegedly released by the Communist Party of China in furtherance of its evil scheme to rule the world. Covid-19 was a meek and mild “culling virus”, not like the Bubonic Plague that wiped out a third of Medieval Europe or the Spanish Flu of 1918 that killed as many as 50 million persons worldwide, including so many young soldiers huddled together in the unsanitary trenches and hospitals of World War One.

Covid-19 was a more benign virus, it did not hurt the young or middle aged, it only killed the old, the weak and the infirm, those with pre-existing conditions and weak immune systems. And that was by accident, the virus does not want to kill its host. Like most parasitic organisms, it wants to procreate, be fruitful and multiply, and killing the host is the ticket to its own demise.
To understand a “culling virus”, one must first understand the last lesson of this Tales of Brave Ulysses, and that lesson is a lesson in law they don’t teach you at Yale Law School: The Law of the Jungle. Lesson # 6 in this Tales of Brave Ulysses.

In a jungle environment, “culling” is a process whereby the old and infirm are removed from the herd. A primary example is predatory cats, lions and tigers, chasing a herd of zebras or gazelles. The old and the weak lag behind the stronger, younger, faster fleeing herd, and those stragglers are the ones taken down and eaten by the predators. The herd is being culled, just as the human herd is now being culled by Covid. But Covid is not attacking our very young, and that makes it relatively benign, unless of course, if it mutates like the Spanish Flu did in the fall of 1918 into a more lethal form.

Before I get into the science of the Covid virus and the stupid blunders, incompetency and mistakes that were made, I want you to understand the Law of the Jungle, the last lesson in this Tales of Brave Ulysses, for we are descended from predatory jungle creatures, and the only difference is that Mankind tends to be the one of the very few species that preys on itself. Jungle species tend to prey on other species as part of the “Food Chain”.

To understand the “Law of the Jungle” and to be truly enlightened, you have go back there. You have to strip away the distractions of modern life, the internet, TV, computers, smartphones, jets, cars, railroads and high speed trains, and the skyscrapers. You have to go back in time and strip away the inventions and innovations that boosted mankind into its current stage of evolution. Some of those major inventions were, going back backwards in time, antibiotics, the light bulb, the telegraph, the steam engine, the printing press, the compass, gunpowder, the stirrup, the wheel, all the way back to before fire.

Having stripped away these things, you have only your Jungle, where the Law of the Jungle originates. It is Live and Let Die, Kill or be Killed, Eat or be Eaten or both. You are Predator or Prey or both. There is the “Food Chain” where the strong struggle to the top like Lions and Great White Sharks and the Food Chain works its way down to insects and then to microbes like the Covid virus.

And it applies not only to fauna but also flora. Vines prey on trees, weeds upon grass, and there are outliers like the Venus Fly Trap that prey on insects. In forestry, culling is a process of cutting back and removing dead branches and trees, cutting back and trimming flower gardens and hedges. In the Jungle, Mother Nature does this naturally. But Mankind not only is culled by Mother Nature through disease and famine, but then Mankind further culls itself through self-inflicted war. And it is always a struggle between life and death, and the subsequent right or ability to procreate: the Jungle.

Fast forward to the present and metaphorically speaking, what are you, Predator or Prey? Wolf, sheep, or sheep dog? Whose lunch are you eating and who is eating your lunch? Where are you in this Food Chain, where are you on the corporate ladder, the military hierarchy, the lifestyle hierarchy, the social hierarchy, the power structure? Are you a monarch, an oligarch, a subject, servant, serf or slave? Is the person asking for or buying your vote ( with your dollars) doing so because this person wants to help you in this modern jungle, or because this person wants to move up in the power structure, the Food Chain, to rule and exploit you?

So the Law of the Jungle exposes the real “END GAME”: POWER. Granting POWER to a small elite “expert class” who will tell you what to do and when to do it, and will gladly take what you own or produce and redistribute it to those more needy, including themselves, for you are nothing more than “Human Capital”, a resource to be exploited. You are the “Prey”. This is the Law of the Jungle. Lesson # 6. You don’t need to learn it, you are already living it. You just have to recognize it in its many modern forms, and avoid it in order to better your life, or use it to grab a bigger piece of the pie.
Chapter 31.4: The War against Covid-19. “Science” and “Hygienic Fascism” imprison Mankind.
In the American invasion of this puny little virus, highly paid Institutes of Research saw a new source of Grant money, and cranked out apocalyptic prophesies of millions upon millions of people to be killed by this new virus. But you did not need to pay these Institutions the big Grant money for their frightening forecasts. Any kid with an iPhone calculator could extrapolate the mathematics. If 675,000 Americans had died of the Spanish Flu of 1918-19 and the population then was 103.2 million persons, and the population a century later in 2020 was 331,000,000 persons, or three times that of 1918, then 3 times 675,000 would die, or roughly two million persons. Maybe 150 million deaths worldwide.Covid-19 would be the second or third worst plague to ever hit mankind, after the bubonic plague in medieval times and maybe equal to or greater than the Spanish Flu of 1918-19, not the puny little culling virus it really was. But the seeds of Fear and Panic had been sown, to be exploited, and Covid-19 would thus morph into a national security threat to survival. Severe and swift action was mandated to combat this puny little invader.

And so it was to be War! We were under attack once again and the Nation had to be mobilized for War. And this was Donald Trump’s watch, and although Donald was a proven deal maker, and an accomplished and feared street fighter, having beat back the countless waves of attacks from a hostile Democrats, a weaponized bureaucracy, and the fake medias’ daily artillery barrages on Cable TV, now he had a tiny unseen microscopic enemy to deal with. And he apparently he never had a viral flu or had been attacked by tiny microscopic predators, so Trump found himself sailing in unchartered waters.

But Donald had the talent of organization, and so he, like George Bush, Jr. after the suffering 9-11 terrorist attacks in Bush’s first term, likewise summoned to the White House the “experts”. However, Trump had to rely on Big Government, surrounded by Virologists and Immunologists and doctors with tenure from the bureaucratic CDC, who were thus heavily entrenched with their future employers, Big Pharma, in effect the same type of sycophants and Court Jesters that had ill-advised George Bush, Jr. on the Second Iraq War nearly two decades before.

Then Trump summoned the Captains of Industry, Big Pharma, and the military, and put the screws to their thumbs. Thus “Operation Warp Speed” was developed and it would deliver a swift temporary if not permanent victory over the Covid-19 virus by vaccinations developed in record time using a fairly new science: mRNA monoclonal antibodies and viral vectoring. This new “science” would seduce and trick our bodies’ immune systems into thinking the puny little Covid virus had invaded it, and gear up IGm antibodies for a counter-attack. It was War, and Trump would have to fight his “scorched earth” form of modern warfare using the only tools and weapons at his disposal, this new “science” as preached by CDC sycophants and the Court Jesters.

The “new science” was intended to bypass Mother Nature, for rather than recognizing Covid-19 as a “culling virus” under the Law of the Jungle, “Science” would ride to the rescue and reap the billions upon billions of dollars to be had by installing panic and fear, then rushing new vaccines into market to cash in on the new Covid-19 “California Gold Rush”. If the virus was let be to run its course, the natural immune systems of the young and strong would quickly develop their own IGm antibodies to kill the virus, and thereafter shed the virus into the community to thus create herd immunity, as nearly 70% of the population would become immune. But there would be no payday, no would-be heroes on prime time TV, just a fairly large number of elderly and individuals with compromised immune systems, by heart disease or Diabetes Type 2, that would have to be buried if they failed to properly shelter from the virus.

And the sycophants, Court Jesters and Big Pharma puppets would have their way once again. Their myopic degrees in “Science” would not allow them think outside the box. And if they could, their paycheck would be threatened, for 65-75% of FDA staff go on to be hired by Big Pharma. It was not much different than in Stalin’s USSR: there was a “party line”, and if you did not follow it, you would be exiled to Siberia or lose your life to a firing squad. Here in America, the powerful grip of Big Pharma dictated the “party line” in medicine and thus also the paycheck firing squad.
Chapter 31.5: A “Ship of Fools” manned by a “Confederacy of Dunces”.
During the American Civil War, waged in the 1860’s, General William Tecumseh Sherman created a wide swatch and path of fire and destruction to forever crush the Southern Confederacy as his Union Army marched from Atlanta to the Sea. After this “scorched earth” campaign of ruin and destruction, a more damaging and punishing plague would descend upon the crushed Confederate States in the form of “carpetbaggers”, those human parasites from Northern States who would come to feed on and profit immensely from the rubble left in the wake of Sherman’s ruinous March to the Sea.

And unfortunately, history repeats itself, and as Trump’s Operation Warp Speed threatened to arrest and crush this puny little Covid Virus like General Sherman’s March to the Sea, a far more deadly plague appeared in the form of “Hygienic Fascism”, the “Neo-carpetbaggers”.
As the sycophants and Court Jesters and Big Pharma puppets struggled and sought to understand the various aspects of the Covid culling virus, an opportunity for profit and power was recognized by politicians, Big Data, and the “fake news” to sow fear and panic in order to impose conditions on society and the economy without popular consent, by means of Executive Orders without legislative recourse. Thus there was immense “power” to be reaped in addition to profits.

The Nation was put into lockdown or “house arrest” by local and State officials, neatly termed in Orwellian “1984” false-speak as “shelter in place”, as if these newly-born benevolent dictators were protecting you from the ravages of a Force 10 Hurricane. Public and Private Beaches, where the Sun’s ultraviolet rays and salt ocean would help destroy the virus, were closed. Businesses were mandatorily closed, ruining the dreams of hard working entrepreneurs and blue and white collar workers alike. Churches and schools were closed. Young kids were deprived of education and the all-important socialization of playtime with playmates, the dating and mating ritual of the mature immune young would be put on indefinite hold, and any form of socialization of a very social species, Mankind, would be prohibited under penalty of law.

If you were to leave your jail cell for necessities, you would have to wear a surgical mask meant to protect the patient from the surgeon, not the surgeon from the patient. But the net effect was to conceal facial expressions, so important in human interaction, as you wheeled your shopping cart down one-way isles staying six feet away from your dangerous fellow shoppers, unable to recognize a concealed smile or a scowl. And the cosmetics industry would suffer, especially the lipstick makers, as vanity tables and beauty parlors stood idle and the restaurants, bars and dance clubs closed their doors.

Humanity had ground to a ruinous halt as the sycophants, Court Jesters, and puppets of Big Pharma, struggled to understand the Covid enemy, constantly shifting their opinions on center stage on a prime time TV show , as a literally captive Nation waited in apprehension and in never ending anticipation of regaining its lost freedoms.
Nobody understood that Covid-19 was merely a “culling virus”, lethal only to the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions, or a weakened immune system, and thus all age groups were made to suffer and were stripped of heretofore unquestionable rights to speech, assembly, discourse, and of course parties, dancing and mating.
And scientifically ignorant imbeciles like the Governor of New York at the time arrogantly sent thousands of elderly into the front trenches in this War to help spread Covid-19 amongst more elderly, while overcrowded hospitals became Petri Dish killing zones.

Trump, as usual, delivered on his promises as his watch came to a bitter contentious end, and mRNA vaccines were delivered right on schedule. America is well on its way to achieving 70% herd immunity except that it is an immunity not generated by Mother Nature’s time-proven personal IGm antibodies, but rather a hastily conceived scientific “mousetrap” ruse.

Thus, I feel that in the Law of the Jungle there is a form of survival known as Charles Darwin’s adaptation by natural selection, that is to say organisms evolve and mutate in order to survive, and I suspect the Covid-19 virus is no exception. And as the mutations and variants emerge, I fear that a Covid mutation similar to the Spanish Flu mutation in the fall of 1918 might create a far more lethal pandemic.

But I fear far more that the possibility of such variant will allow the Alinsky- loving “Hygienic Fascists”, the Neo-Carpetbaggers, to continue their chokehold on the freedoms once granted to this Nation’s people, and dearly fought for since 1619 by my forbears. So after 14 generations of North American ancestry who fought for our disappearing freedoms, I will again throw in my unasked for two cent opinion, by virtue of my claimed right as Stadtholder heir. Here it is for what it is worth:
Chapter 31.6: Gee! These CDC Muppets might be right about chemical energy, slow costly vaccines. But why not look at electromagnetic and biomechanical acoustic energy? Attack the virus first!
Now, as I had previously written, I am descended from warriors who survived and I am thus a probably a product of Darwin’s natural selection. Add to that my Viking and Mohawk blood and my childhood training in weaponry, sprinkle in a little Law of the Jungle, and you have a jungle “cat” that just basically wants only to attack. An “Attack Cat”. Always go on the offensive, take the war to the enemy as General George Patton would do.

The “scientific” community, however, apparently thinks only in defensive terms. How does one protect themselves from an attack by a virus? What mechanisms of defense can be found, how deep can we dig a moat or build a high wall to protect us, as we “shelter in place”? What medicines can we take?
Add to that the Primetime TV and the spotlight of Hollywood stardom on the Guru du Jour on Covid-19, and you had basically a nightly Big Pharma sponsored puppet show.

I had already seen the “Muppets” puppet series, so I decided to tune out, listen to my warrior instincts, and put on the thinking cap. How to go on the offensive, how would you attack the Covid virus, kill it instead of waiting to see if it killed you?

Again, you begin by looking at the Sun first, the prime generator of life on Earth. And as the Sun
shines on Earth, it gives us light in the form of a spectrum of Electromagnetic energy that help plants produce oxygen and warms the surface of our planet. But it is a vast spectrum of electromagnetic energy, consisting of bands of infrared on one side and ultraviolet on the other as measured in frequencies. It is only the very small center of this vast spectrum that we humans can visibly see, the rest is invisible.

The effects of this invisible light, this electromagnetic energy from the Sun, on chemical compounds and biological organisms depend both upon the radiation’s power and its frequency, which a resemble smooth rolling ocean waves at lower frequencies with much wave length and compressed bunched-together high energy storm waves at higher frequencies. Lower frequencies (i.e., visible light, infrared, microwaves, and radio waves) measured in nanometers are non-ionizing radiation, because its photons do not individually have enough energy to ionize atoms or break chemical bonds. The effects of these radiations on chemical systems and living tissue are felt as heat or warmth.
In contrast, high frequency ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays are called ionizing radiation, since individual photons of such high frequency have enough energy to ionize molecules or break chemical bonds. These radiations have the ability to cause chemical reactions to bleach fabrics and ionize metals and can really damage living cells. Ultraviolet light is a Killer. It kills more than just Vampires. The Chinese were already using UVC light at the traditional germicidal frequency of 254 nanometers to kill the Covid-19 virus and sanitize its public transportation buses, but it would damage human tissue, for it was both carcinogenic and cataract genic, so it had to be done mechanically with no humans around. By robots.

But could we find an “assassin” frequency for Covid-19 without damaging humans? Scientific Research showed the answer was “yes”. At the far end of the ultraviolet spectrum called far-UVC at exactly a frequency of 222 nanometers, there existed a far-UVC light frequency that would kill the Covid coronavirus dead while not penetrating the human skin or the cornea of the eye. It could not penetrate the ozone layer and atmosphere of planet Earth, but we could synthetically manufacture it via huge quantities of light bulbs of filtered krypton-bromine (Kr-Br) or krypton-chlorine (Kr-Cl) excimer lamps to emit far-UVC 222 nanometer light to constantly kill and sanitize the air while human traffic safely came and went. Light bulbs and tubes emitting far-UVC 222 nanometer light could be put in elevators, buildings, public transportation, airplanes or in restaurants on tables to constantly kill the Covid-19 coronavirus.

And this was not hypothetical mumbo-jumbo. Earlier research had shown far-UVC light was highly efficient in inactivating aerosolized H1N1 influenza virus [Welch, D. et al. “Far-UVC light: A new tool to control the spread of airborne-mediated microbial diseases.” Sci. Rep. 8(1), 2752 (2018)]. And the H1N1 influenza virus was from the same “beta genus” family as Covid-19, which meant both were enveloped in similar positive-strand RNA. Covid would die just like its cousin H1N1 did when exposed to the right frequency of far-UVC light, 222 nanometers to be exact.
And the time cycle was excellent. 90% of the airborne Covid-19 would be killed in 8 minutes, 99% in 16 minutes, and 99.9% in 25 minutes. Life could return to normal as businesses and restaurants retrofitted their lighting to combat, kill, and desiccate the puny little Covid coronavirus.
Chapter 31.7: Torah, Torah, Torah! Attack and Destroy the Enemy Virus! But with Music?
But I was not satisfied, I wanted another killing weapon to reap havoc on a full 100% of the Covid coronavirus, wipe its DNA off the face of this Earth, Mohawk style. I wanted “scorched earth” warfare, to totally destroy the virus with overwhelming force, and that extra force could be in the form of acoustical energy, or radio waves. Everybody knows a talented opera singers can shatter a wine glass at the right frequency with their vocal cords, generating enough energy to destabilize and shatter glass. Can you do the same to shatter a virus? Science said the answer was “yes”.

Moreover, my early days at the Heart Institute of Moscow in the 1990s revealed a 100% cure for Hepatitis C, an infectious disease caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV) that primarily affects the liver. The Russians made this cure possible by irradiating water molecules to emit frequencies that would kill the hepatitis C pathogen, and thus cure the disease. The science was lost in the chaos following the collapse of the USSR, but not forgotten by me.

So I knew that the right acoustic frequency could kill an organism like COVD-19 by finding the right frequency to vibrate and shatter the protein layers of the outer shell of a pathogen like the coronavirus. All organisms have what is known as a “mortal oscillation rate”, a frequency that would vibrate the organism or cell membrane until it shattered just like an opera singer shattered a wine glass, and then just die…………….